"Although of a lot of what you see is industrial and automated. The important part is that the human spirit is in everything.."
Working in such areas of design, from extensive commercial adverting to visual indents, Matt Pyke has an interesting yet intriguing thought and design process. Commissioning work for such companies such as Hyundai, AOL and Audi. Matt allows for a fluid and design that really does make the audience think about what's being created. Matt's design process got me thinking about the structure of basic forms of things that are not accoiated to the human form for example architecture. He states that by adding feet and basic life-like aspects such as eyes to the models that they are preceieved in a completely different way and that's what like the most about his work. He gives things a soul, may that be though animation, photography or design. I also find that his work is very influential as most advertising today is lacking that certain spark or vital connection to the audience at hand. Matt has incorporated the aspect of human movement to his pieces moreover we can see this in-definitively in his work with MTV showing his "Mr Furry ident". Personally I feel that each "furry" are placed in an order where it displays a personality of their own especially with the animation the audience pick up that they are completely different people.
His work is very appealing and popular, especially with the creation of the "Hyundai Vision wall" we see that movement is shown though a series of neon colors and bright patterns slowly turning into chrome. What I like about this is that it really shows the intricacy of the parts of an automobile yet highlighting that in there complex moment it is moving like a fully functioning human being who we all know is the most naturally complex also compared to a man-made object. The lines almost remind me of the flow of watercolor paint as it hits the backdrop.
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