Sunday, 14 April 2013

Bmag Museum Birmingham


Being over a century old, Birmingham's museum and art gallery opened it's doors to the public on the 28th november 1885 and has aimed at the time to inspire craftspeople and industrialists to this day. Many ranges of pieces come in from around the world to Bmag from all sorts of places such as: South Asia, Japan and Northern Europe.
 Upon entering into the museum, there was once piece out of a whopping 500,000 pieces that caught my eye. It was work by John Cockshore whos artwork has been inspired by JRR Tolkien's book series,The Lord of the Rings. John's landscape photography and editing capability as allowed him to illustrate certain scenes in the book with computer aided visuals. He describes Tolkiens language as detailed, vivid and provocative in which he tries his best to captures unusual items from around the region that he lives in and super-imposes them into landmarks from the books which I think is a great Idea as he gets the audience to grasp that magical illusion in artwork based on a very good piece of literature.

What I also like about Johns work is that It allows people to fill in the gaps or see parts of the book in real life and that's why I think his work is so popular because LOTR's still has quite a big worldwide fanbase.

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